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Rankbound: Your ultimate call-tracking tool!

A good marketing strategy is like a game of monopoly.  There are a lot of companies who circle the board looking for customers.  They have a few different marketing strategies that seem to generate sales, essentially they are collecting $200 every time they pass GO. This is a good way to stay in the game, but not a good way to win. The real strategy lies in buying Boardwalk and Park Place and making the banker dizzy with the bills he has to roll out to you.  You need to have your marketing strategy invested across a variety of media to maximize your earning potential.

While online marketing is taking the world by storm, customers still want print media. A recent B2C survey showed that companies who had a hybrid print- and online-media campaign grossed 163% more profit than those who only had an online presence.  While the internet is often billed for its velocity, the same cannot always be said of its veracity.  Consumers trust print media – maybe it’s just nostalgia, but there seems to be a little more to it. Which is a large reason why we offer discounted Toronto printing (via Printbound)! When produced in tandem with an online marketing campaign, print media reaches your customers in a tangible way.  Which allows instant online access to a message that they trust.  The tangibility of print media vets and verifies the online message as well.

Rankbound allows you to keep your finger on the pulse of your marketing campaigns. Our tool allows you to track and measure the return on investment (ROI) of each of your marketing channels – you need to know if Baltic Avenue is bringing in the monopoly money, or taking up precious real estate.  Call-tracking allows you to monitor the response level to every element in your campaign. With Rankbound, you receive a monthly usage report that tracks and ranks your calls and web traffic, allowing you to see exactly which channels trigger responses, and which do not.

What are the benefits of Rankbound?

  • Assign unique numbers to specific campaigns (have a unique number for print advertising and another for a web advertising)
  • Calls then get forwarded to your cell phone or business number when a customer calls one of these unique numbers
  • Setup unique call trees or automated phone attendant (for sales press 1, for customer service press 2) and direct to different numbers
  • Be notified when you receive the call, who the customer is and what they are calling you about before you speak to them!
  • Record calls to gain valuable information about your customers or your sales agents
  • Rate each incoming call based on success
  • Make notes on each phone call to determine ways of improving communication, sales pitches, or customer information
  • Identify which strategy is yielding the most calls (and which need to be rethought)
  • Determine “Peak Call Times” to focus increase marketing during those peak windows
  • Track website statistics and phone calls on a map
  • Refine your Toronto SEO w/ integrated Google Analytics

How does Rankbound Work?

Rankbound uses phone-relay to sync several toll-free numbers to your company’s main business phone. Each of these numbers is associated with a different marketing strategy (print, online, direct mail, etc.). This effectively allows you to determine which strategy triggered the call, and also what type of calls they are generating. The strategy that yields high conversion-rates is the most effective.  Call-tracking also allows you to learn first-hand who your customers are and what they need. Rankbound does more than just track phone calls. Our services also track all online traffic and determine which pathway led your customer to your site. This data is generated into a monthly report, giving you the power to make informed decisions about your marketing campaigns, effectively train staff, and measure your ROI.

A well-managed marketing strategy is the cornerstone of any successful campaign. Rankbound allows you to have an effective campaign made simple to manage and monitor.  Rankbound is a free tool provided with all Thinkbound Marketing Solutions SEO packages.

Put Rankbound to work for your company today.